News Category: WI

Promo Video

Several weeks ago, we partnered with one of our vendors, Hyva, to put together some content for a promo video. There will . . .

15 ft Dump Body – Crossmemberless Design

This month’s featured unit is a Warren WS-700 model, 15 ft dump body. Our WS-700 model is a crossmemberless body design, reducing . . .

Sloped Front Demolition Dump Body

This month’s featured unit is a sloped front demolition dump body. This unit was manufactured in Collins, MS. The sloped front allows . . .

11 ft Underbody Dump Body

The featured unit this month is a U-11 dump body. This underbody dump body was mounted with a Venco Venturo VC516SF-ED hoist. . . .

Dead Animal Retrieval Trucks

At Warren, we pride ourselves on building units that meet our customer’s needs. This month’s dump body of the month is one . . .

10 ft Crossmemberless Dump Body

This month’s featured unit is a 10 ft Crossmemberless Dump body for Valley Equipment and Truck. Valley Equipment and Truck has been . . .

Steel Dump Body F Series

Warren, Inc. is a steel dump body manufacturer in Collins, MS. Manufacturing was completed on this F-14 13/15 yard steel dump body . . .

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