Warren Latest News
- News, Projects
State of Texas Dump Bodies trucks completed in Talco, TX by WTTL
This significant order of 50 units in Talco, TX, underscores the growing demand for dump bodies that surpasses the production capacity of . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Week, Projects
Warren Trash Body with Barn Door Design
Our trash dump bodies are available in pre-engineered lengths of 19’, 21’, 22’, and 24’, or we can build one customized just . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Month, Projects
14 ft Aluminum Frameless Dump Body
This body is manufactured in Plant City, FL and was installed in our Birmingham AL operation of Warren Truck & Trailer Alabama. . . .
- dumptrucks
- Video News, WI
Promo Video
Several weeks ago, we partnered with one of our vendors, Hyva, to put together some content for a promo video. There will . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Month, Projects
Custom Aluminum Dump Body
This month’s featured body of the month is a custom aluminum dump body. This dump body is 16.6 ft with several special . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Month, Projects, WI
15 ft Dump Body – Crossmemberless Design
This month’s featured unit is a Warren WS-700 model, 15 ft dump body. Our WS-700 model is a crossmemberless body design, reducing . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Month, Projects, WI
Sloped Front Demolition Dump Body
This month’s featured unit is a sloped front demolition dump body. This unit was manufactured in Collins, MS. The sloped front allows . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Month, Projects, WI
11 ft Underbody Dump Body
The featured unit this month is a U-11 dump body. This underbody dump body was mounted with a Venco Venturo VC516SF-ED hoist. . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Month
Warren Trash Body
This month’s featured unit of the month is a C-series dump body. It was manufactured for the City of Baton Rouge in . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Month, Projects
WAR-16 AR-450 steel WAR series dump body
This month’s dump body of the month is a WAR-16 AR-450 steel WAR series dump body. Manufactured by Warren, Inc. in Collins, . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Month, Projects, WI
Dead Animal Retrieval Trucks
At Warren, we pride ourselves on building units that meet our customer’s needs. This month’s dump body of the month is one . . .
- dumptrucks
- Body of the Month, Body of the Week, Projects, WI
10 ft Crossmemberless Dump Body
This month’s featured unit is a 10 ft Crossmemberless Dump body for Valley Equipment and Truck. Valley Equipment and Truck has been . . .
- dumptrucks